The Great E-Bike Revolution with Co-Founder & CEO of DASH Rides, Jamie Milroy #60
Transforming the way the world moves is no small feat, but taking e-bikes as the incredibly efficient basis for this mission was Jamie Milroy’s first step.
Proceeding to take the e-bike subscription platform DASH Rides up to a national scale proves its power, and as Co-Founder & CEO, Jamie’s drive and vision are nothing short of admirable.
Jamie joins us on Extrology to detail the storytelling behind successful fundraising, and how 30 seconds of courage is all it takes to set great ambitions in motion.
Lee and Jamie discuss:
How sustainability is emerging in the boardroom
Balancing profit against the need to do good
The virtues of finding a great Co-Founder
Storytelling as a key ingredient to fundraising
Jamie’s ‘30 Seconds of Courage’ mantra
Links & references
Lee Cooper:
Jamie Milroy:
DASH Rides:
Get in touch:
Episode highlights:
“We were seeing sustainability from the perspective of people entering the workforce, it was becoming a real issue for them. If it's a real issue for your people, it's going to become an issue for you.” - 4:25 - Jamie Milroy
“An e-bike is more efficient than a bike - as soon as I found that out, I thought it was amazing and latched onto it. Once you get on an e-bike, it's just very difficult to go back to a normal bike because they are so much more fun.” - 9:38 - Jamie Milroy
“I thought when I went into fundraising, it was all going to be about financial models and showing that you've been really diligent and realistic in your assumptions. That's probably 10% of it. The biggest part of it that we've learned is about storytelling.” - 19:30 - Jamie Milroy
“It’s always the best time to go fundraising when you don't need it, because it gives you that flexibility and confidence to go into those meetings and say what you want, which normally means you do better.” - 24:15 - Jamie Milroy
“The real appeal of going for PwC, or that sort of world, was that I wanted to just learn about business. I thought that learning from a financial sense was probably one of the best ways to get under the hood.” - 42:05 - Jamie Milroy
“Anecdotally, we speak to HR managers all the time, and I think the majority of companies are starting to realise that having everyone together frequently, there is real value in it. Some of the ways that the value is coming out is quite interesting.” - 53:05 - Jamie Milroy
“I've got this new mantra which I try to live by, which is ‘30 Seconds of Courage’. Any big decision you make in life boils down to having literally just 30 seconds of courage to start. For me, that makes any decision or challenge really achievable.” - 1:03:35 - Jamie Milroy
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