On the Frontline of the Fight Against Climate Change with Founder of Oxygen Conservation, Rich Stockdale #118

Of all our guests on Extrology, few possess a relentless passion for their mission on quite the same level as Rich Stockdale, Oxygen Conservation’s fantastic Founder.

His company’s mission will always remain relevant, and his environmental sentiments on episode 53 are pertinent now more than ever; that’s why we’re revisiting another of our most popular episodes of Extrology, now available on YouTube for the first time!

Join us to discover how his work is leaving a legacy for the next generation to shine, how Oxygen Conservation has marvellously outdone their expectations, and how they’re taking on the small task of saving the world…

Lee and Rich discuss:

  • Aspirations to become the world’s first conservation-focused unicorn company

  • A love for sport feeding into a deeply instilled work ethic

  • Sowing the seeds of the business idea at the Environment Agency

  • Modern approaches to the indisputable need to take action around the environment

  • Oxygen Conservation’s initial goals being blown out of the water

  • Hiring people fundamentally better than you in business

  • Parallels between business and sport, the environment and much more

Links & references





Lee Cooper:


Rich Stockdale: 



Oxygen Conservation: 



Get in touch: lee@extrology.com

Episode highlights:

“Good American Football players see pads not as protection, but weapons. If you want something, run through a wall to get it - American Football unlocked that for me.” - 11:25 - Rich Stockdale

“If you don’t have the right cultural fit, you can work really hard and be brilliant, but you won’t thrive.” - 25:30 - Rich Stockdale

“We talk about the world burning metaphorically when we talk about Oxygen Conservation. In London last summer, it was literally burning - the embers were still there.” - 34:45 - Rich Stockdale

“There was a huge uproar on Dartmoor - people are fed up of the natural environment being taken away from them.” - 37:10 - Rich Stockdale

“How you do anything is how you do everything. So we can’t take a pound from Shell, even if we give it back to nature. We need to do things in the right way in everything we do.” - 43:30 - Rich Stockdale

“I don’t believe in work-life balance, because it makes it sound like there’s a fight. If you do something you love, where’s the balance? Just do more of what you love.” - 47:10 - Rich Stockdale

Extrology is sponsored by Progresso Talent Partners who for more than 25 years have successfully delivered interim and permanent leadership talent to transform businesses and to hire the talent you need to enable your business to thrive: https://www.progressotalent.com/


Refugee, Rockstar, Reinventor: Leading a Purpose-Driven, Ambitious Life with Christian Ray Flores #119


Grit, Resilience and Unapologetic Truth with Michael McLean #117