Building a Brand with Passion & Purpose with Author & Entrepreneur, Simone Thomas #47
The catalyst for so many businesses emerges through personal struggles, and in Simone Thomas’ case she has converted that catalyst into a thriving business empire.
A highly respected entrepreneur, best-selling author and leading authority in the world of hair health and wellness, the story behind her marvellous rise is one of strength, resilience, passion and purpose.
Simone joins us on Extrology to share the incredible story behind her challenging upbringing, personal struggles with hair loss, huge business growth, and much more.
Lee and Simone discuss:
Why purpose is an essential driver for business ownership
Simone’s remarkable resilience throughout early struggles
The inspiration behind Simone’s wellness journey
Overcoming the impact of hair loss and health issues
Links & references
Lee Cooper:
Simone Thomas:
Simone Thomas Wellness:
Get in touch:
Episode highlights:
“I grew up with my stepfather and my mother when I was home from boarding school, but he had a very, very nasty violent streak towards my mum. So I grew up with a lot of domestic violence and a lot of abuse.” - 4:10 - Simone Thomas
“All of us have insecurities, and I know what they are. My mum used to call me an armadillo, with a very hard exterior, but inside, you're actually quite soft and still quite childlike.” - 8:00 - Simone Thomas
“I obviously knew I needed to do something that was creative and not necessarily being told what to do. I always grew up with orders, I went to such strict schools that I did rebel to the point that I was like, no one's going to tell me what to do ever again. Only I will, and those that I want to let in.” - 15:00 - Simone Thomas
“I think owning a business now, you've got to have a purpose. You think you're gonna get all this freedom by owning your own company, but in fairness you actually don't.” - 19:15 - Simone Thomas
“Wigs back then were more like Halloween wigs, there weren’t great workshops unless you were willing to go to London and had a few thousand pounds to spend. In my early 20s, who has £500 spare in their bank account, let alone £4k.” - 27:50 - Simone Thomas
“It's like a mental scar. What you see in the mirror is very different to what other people see; whether that's a positive or a negative, it's a scar.” - 32:45 - Simone Thomas
“I've learned now that you have to be the boss, you can't be going out with them partying Friday and Saturday nights in Bournemouth or Southampton, you can't be both.” - 38:30 - Simone Thomas
“All our products come from things that I use, things that I want to improve, and things that I notice on a day to day basis that a lot of people can benefit from.” - 48:35 - Simone Thomas
“It just came from me constantly repeating myself that I was like, ‘Right, I need to put what I would say day to day into a book, but say it in such a way that it's like your best friend. We never give ourselves the best advice, but we know the advice is in us, and it takes your best friend or stranger to give you that slap around the face.” - 55:15 - Simone Thomas
“I came from doing £10-15 million a month in sales. So if I could do that for a company, why the hell am I not doing it for me? That's one of the huge things I learned last year that actually, Simone this is in you, you've just forgotten that that's where you started. ” - 1:03:05 - Simone Thomas
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