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How Art Inspired the Cloud Gaming Revolution with Gamestream Founder, Ivan Lebeau #96

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In this episode Lee & Ivan discuss:

  • Taking inspiration from art, and how art reflects its period

  • The lightbulb moment in seeing streaming become the future

  • Huge impending launches in India and Africa, tapping into over 1 billion additional users

  • Gaming’s power to enhance education

  • The long term vision for Gamestream at the spearhead of the cloud gaming space

Links & references

Extrology: https://www.extrology.com/



Lee Cooper: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leecooperrecruiter/

Ivan Lebeau:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivan-lebeau-gamestream/



Get in touch: lee@extrology.com

Episode highlights:

“I understood that streaming was the best way to access video and music - so I also understood that video games were the next media for this.” - 12:10 - Ivan Lebeau

“If the idea is to think big, I think the idea is actually to think well rather than big. When you start a new company with disruptive technology, you need to choose your battles.” - 27:50 - Ivan Lebeau

“Assassin’s Creed is a fantastic video game, but also shows how very educational video games can be.” - 38:05 - Ivan Lebeau

“Work inside an industry before you start your own business within it, and focus on a good management team - that’s key.” - 45:10 - Ivan Lebeau

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